Do you fumble when speaking English?
Yes, I can totally relate to that. I am going to give you one bonus tip at the end, make sure you read that.
First of all, I am glad that you are speaking.
Unless you speak you will not realise that you have this problem.
Most people don’t even start to speak and wonder how to speak fluently?
Now coming back to you, It’s normal.
I remember when I tried to record a video for the first time without a script.
I spoke continuously for 16 minutes. I was really proud of myself. This was not less for me.
I completed recording the video and got my phone back and started watching the video and found myself getting stuck, fumbling, fusing two different words together, pronouncing words wrong, making grammar mistakes.
I wonder. I know this is a grammatical mistake. still, how can I commit that mistake?
There I realised speaking is a whole different thing than just being able to express.
I have seen some amazing writers in my friend circle but they are not confident speakers.
True Problem lies in our tongue. It never gets involved while writing, and we often read silently.
That Is why I call it…
Tongue training.
Tongue training is the second most essential concept in 4 steps spoken English method.
- Stage 1: Expressing Training.
- Stage 2: Tongue training
- Stage 3: Brain Training
- Stage 4: Fear/Confidence Training.
It involves 3 stages.
1. Speak out loud.
Now, You can never find it different until you do it.
Yes! When you speak out loud you are more likely to fumble.
Because when we whisper, we are not bothered about the sound of the word but what it means. That is why we read it and move ahead.
But while we are speaking in real life we have an objective that the other person understands us.
On the other hand, we have never trained our tongue to pronounce the words.
Imagine our mother tongue, We were speaking while learning simultaneously.
Every day we were repeating those words.
Even today also we do the same when we talk to our family.
But that is not the case in English.
We speak English only when requires. In that situation just ask yourself how can your tongue be able to speak fluently?
It’s not possible o the first attempt.
We have to repeatedly make our tongue pronounce those words again and again that the muscle remembers those words.
So that, whenever in future we try to speak those words they can easily flow out of the mouth.
What is the best way to practice?
Well, You can read random books in a loud voice or you can speak what is going on in your mind in loud voice.
Definitely, this is weird but effective.
2. Pronunciation
Once you have train your tongue properly, then you have to work on the longest and difficult words.
There are some words that do not align with our mother tongue ascent and we pronounce them wrong.
These words are not so easy to pronounce and we often fumble in those words.
There are some similar words like here, hear, hair etc.
When we don’t pronounce them properly the other person doesn’t understand.
Now, the best exercise to do is by visiting google and verifying the correct pronunciation.
The task is If you get confused that whether you are pronouncing it wrong or you see someone pronouncing is different from you, Right that moment go and verify because that is the best time to remember and if you leave it for some time that will be left for life.
This much Discipline is needed.
.Another beautiful exercise that you can do is tongue twister but that is a bit difficult and weird but certainly, it can be a good exercise for pronunciation practice.
I have never tried tongue twister personally.
3. Word Fusion
I have found myself making this mistake often.
Especially when I run out of words and two similar kinds of the word comes in my mind and I have to choose within some microsecond.
It becomes difficult for me to choose between two.
I find myself speaking the prefix of one word and the suffix of the other word.
If you are facing the same challenge, you have to train your mind, which is the next challenge.
Don’t worry, for now, That problem is never caused by the tongue.
The day I stopped fumbling completely.
I was watching TEDx talks and I found a video of David Jp Phillips.

It was 110 steps of public speaking. The way he delivered his speech forced me to read and learn more about him.
So I googled about him and found about JP university which now changed to There I enrolled and I learned a lot from there.
What precisely helped me was speaking a little slow.
I found myself organising thoughts. taking pauses when I don’t get words and think about how to make this lesson easy to understand.
Just speaking a little slow helped me in organising my thoughts and that transformed me as a speaker.
I would suggest you at least watch that TEDx talk, I am sure you will get to learn a lot about him.